Art by Jingo de la Rosa

Join us at the Indiana State Library 届时,印第安纳州最优秀的知名作家和新兴作家将齐聚一堂,上一整天的写作技巧课. 以印第安纳州桂冠诗人的主题演讲和诗歌分组讨论为特色, Curtis Crisler. Other breakout sessions include poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, social media for writers and more presented by Barbara Shoup, Jill Christman, Jackie Rodriguez, Natalie Solmer, Sarah Layden, Manòn Voice, and Terry Kirts. You’ll leave full of inspiration, 带着可以进行实验的成熟的写作草稿——和其他一百个有同样想法的作家一起.

Purchase tickets here!


Curtis L. Crisler was born and raised in Gary, Indiana. Crisler, an award-winning poet/author,
has a new book called Doing Drive-bys on How to Love in the Midwest. He has six poetry books,
two YA books, and five poetry chapbooks. He’s been published in a variety of magazines,
journals, and anthologies. He’s co-editor of poetry for the museum of americana. He created the
Indiana Chitlin Circuit and the poetry form called the sonastic. He’s the Indiana Poet Laureate
and Professor of English at Purdue University Fort Wayne (PFW). He can be contacted at

Keynote address: “Finding Your Voice:

Class Description:

Finding Your Voice Through the Epistolary Poem

我们将创作书信体散文诗,使读者无法回避它们,因为你已经通过语气和气氛建立了自己的声音, propelling what’s written (using the 5 sensory attributes, word choices, syntax, and style) to your advantage. 这些书信体散文诗,你写给另一个人(人物). With that, they are great for the development of narrator, and I believe are useful to establish one’s narrator on the
page using research and imagination. 我将提供一些诗歌样本给大家看和讨论,因为我们要处理诗歌中的元素,以解决之前提到的大师课的原因.

Jill Christman is the author of If This Were Fiction: A Love Story in Essays (2023 Foreword INDIES Silver Winner) and two memoirs, Darkroom: A Family Exposure (winner of AWP Prize for CNF) and Borrowed Babies: Apprenticing for Motherhood. Her essays have appeared in many anthologies and in magazines such as Brevity, Creative Nonfiction, Fourth Genre, Iron Horse Literary Review, Longreads, The Rumpus, and O, The Oprah Magazine. 她是2020年NEA文学研究员,任教于波尔州立大学,是《 River Teeth: A Journal of Nonfiction Narrative and Beautiful Things. Visit her at,, and on the site formerly known as Twitter @jill_christman.

Class Description:

Beautiful Things: Writing & Publishing Miniature Essays

在这节非虚构的课上,我们将看一些出版的例子 Beautiful Things (River Teeth并思考我们作为作者可以使用的具体策略来识别图像, locate the voice, build the structures, 并塑造语言,帮助我们将自己的现实生活材料制作成微型文章,“[放大]人类意义的某些微小方面”(伯纳德·库珀). 我们将在最后为一些来自散文家的关于短篇非小说的出版技巧预留时间, teacher, and editor Jill Christman.

Sarah Layden is the author of Imagine Your Life Like This, stories; Trip Through Your Wires, a noveland The Story I Tell Myself About Myself, winner of the Sonder Press Chapbook Competition. She is co-author with Bryan Furuness of The Invisible Art of Literary Editing. Her short fiction appears in 波士顿评论,布斯,黑鸟,麦克斯威尼的互联网趋势,2020年最佳微小说, and elsewhere, with recent nonfiction in The Washington PostPoets & WritersSalonThe Millions, and River Teeth. 她是印第安纳大学印第安纳波利斯分校的英语副教授, where she serves as faculty advisor to genesis, the campus literary and art magazine.

Class Description:
Rendering the Real: Using Research in Creative Nonfiction and Fiction

许多作家想把研究融入到他们的作品中,无论是创造性的非虚构作品还是虚构作品. 在一个看似无限的数字世界加上非数字化的纸质档案,从哪里开始? What, exactly, do we hope to find, and how will we use it? 这个课程将帮助作者创造性地思考头脑风暴和使用资源, as well as establishing authority with factual material. We will zero in on our own areas of curiosity and obsession, and consider how research can broaden and expand our work. The session is focused on prose writing, but poets are always welcome, and resources and examples will be provided across multiple genres.

Barbara Shoup 你最近写了八部成人和年轻人小说吗 An American Tune and Looking for Jack Kerouac, as well as a memoir about writing, A Commotion in Your Heart, and Novel Ideas: Contemporary Authors Share the Creative Process. Shoup是印第安纳作家中心的常驻作家,也是国际艺术工作室的教员, in Assisi Italy. She hosts the Substack newsletter Book Pilgrim. A new YA, About Grace, is forthcoming from Querencia Press in 2024.

Class Description:

Point of View: Who Are You and Why Are You Telling This Story?

是你选择故事的观点,还是观点选择你, 正确的选择取决于为什么故事最好通过你选择的角色的眼睛来讲述, what brings them to the moment the story begins, how they tell the story—and more. 本节课将讨论小说中观点的基础,并考虑对话等元素是如何发挥作用的, voice, place, 人物生活的非常具体的细节融合在一起,传达了他们在故事世界中的位置和原因, as well as their reliability in telling it. Those writing memoir will also find the session useful.

Natalie Solmer 出生并成长在印第安纳州南本德,是东欧移民的孙子. 她曾是一名园艺师和花商,现在在常春藤科技社区学院教授写作,担任英语副教授. She is also the founder and editor-in-chief of The Indianapolis Review. Her poetry has been published widely in journals such as Colorado Review, North American Review, Notre Dame Review, and Pleiades. Her visual poetry and art has been published in journals such as Harbor Review, Ethel, Talking About Strawberries All The Time, and Yes, Poetry. Her debut book of poems, Water Castle, is forthcoming from Kelsay Books in the fall of 2024. 

Class Description:

What Is Visual Poetry? Explore Art + Text In Your Creative Process

In this workshop, we’ll learn about the genre of visual poetry, or what some refer to as graphic literature. 这个类别是巨大的,包括许多视觉艺术与文本相结合的变化. After going over these exciting forms, we’ll create our own pieces, focusing the workshop primarily on literary collage.

Jackie Rodriguez is the founder and CEO of Lumbre Media (pronounced loom-bray), 这是一家位于印第安纳波利斯的双语创意机构,专门从事社交媒体营销. Lumbre Media致力于为非营利组织和使命驱动型品牌提供全面的营销解决方案, including strategy development, content creation, and implementation.
Jackie has nearly a decade of industry experience, 曾为印第安纳人文等当地和全州范围内的非营利组织工作, Immigrant Welcome Center, and Indiana Health Centers. She is an alumna of Indy Hub’s 1828 Leadership Program, 他是国际中心吉姆·莫里斯全球领导力系列的首任成员, and was a 2021 Indy Maven Woman to Watch.

Class Description:
Mastering Social Media: Strategies for Writers

本工作坊旨在为作家提供有效利用社交媒体建立个人品牌的工具和策略, engage with their audience, and promote their work. The session will cover key platforms, content strategies, and best practices tailored specifically for the literary community.

Manòn Voice is a native of Indianapolis, Indiana, a multi-hyphenate–poet and writer, spoken word artist and filmmaker, actor, Hip-Hop emcee, educator, and community builder. 她的作品精神在艺术和行动主义的交汇处找到了自己的定位. 她在巴特勒大学乔丹艺术学院音乐学院担任嘻哈音乐, History, and Culture Lecturer. 她以文字的力量在全国各地的不同舞台上表演,并广泛教授和促进写作和诗歌讲习班. In 2018, Manòn received a nomination for the Pushcart Prize in Poetry. Her poetry has appeared in The Flying Island, The Indianapolis Review, The House Life Project: People + Property Series, Sidepiece Magazine, The World We Live(d) In Anthology, The Indianapolis Anthology, Questions for a Resilient Future, and Kinship: A World of Relations. She has been featured in publications such as Indy NUVO, The Indianapolis Recorder, Indianapolis Monthly, The Indianapolis Star, FAFCollective, Pattern Magazine, Sidepiece Magazine, and more.

Class Description:

Poetry and Social Practice: Bridging Art and Activism

在这个旨在反思和利用诗歌艺术作为社会变革工具的研讨会上,探索诗歌和激进主义的强大交集. This class delves into how poetry can be a catalyst for dialogue, reflection, and transformation within communities and beyond. 考察历史和当代诗人用他们的手艺来解决社会问题的例子, raise awareness, and inspire action. 探索各种形式和技术,以增强诗歌行动主义的影响, including narrative, spoken word, and performance poetry. Learn how poetry has been a driving force in movements for justice, equality, and human rights, and, 参加指导写作练习,以激发和完善你的声音作为一个诗人活动家.

他是印第安纳大学印第安纳波利斯分校创意写作高级讲师, Terry Kirts is the author of To the Refrigerator Gods, published by Seven Kitchens Press in 2010. His poetry and essays have appeared in Alimentum, Another Chicago Magazine, Boog City, Gastronomica, Green Mountains Review, Porridge, and Presence, and the anthologies Food Poems, St. Peter’s B-list, and others. 他的烹饪文章和评论被广泛发表,他是餐饮评论家 Indianapolis Monthly ( 他目前正在撰写一本关于中西部移民食品的随笔和食谱集.

Class Description:
Telling Stories Through Food
Whether you want to start your memoir, explore your family culture, or tell a rich narrative in fiction or poetry, 长期以来,食物一直是挖掘文学故事的最丰富的工具之一. 从唤起美味菜肴或与爱人一起烹饪的回忆的诗歌,到厨房或餐馆的故事,再到散文和长篇美食回忆录, culinary stories are sure to engage readers’ senses and memories, as well as providing metaphors and analogies for the human experience. Come hungry, as we’ll explore ways to use food in a variety of genres, 从文学新闻和餐馆评论到抒情散文,再到从书页上沸腾和嘶嘶作响的诗歌.